Pride Of America Cruise Ship, the newest and largest cruise ship ever to fly an American Flag.

It's squared off forward section makes for un-attractive design from NCL.

Hula Dancer greets the NCL Pride Of America on her arrival in Honolulu.

Capital Atruim.

Glass elevator overlooks the grand staircase in the Capital Atrium.

Outside Double Cabin with Balcony - Cabin 10558
Small but comfortable for two, three would be a crowd.
Avoid cabins in this area on deck 10, the bandstand for the pool is just above your head!
As a result I would also be concerned about any cabin located above or below a noisy public area.

Passageways are beautifully lighted and appointed, this photo doesn't do it justice.

The Skyline Main Restaurant offers a Manhattan themed artdeco decor. Seats 644

Liberty Restaurant's decor is based on a Colonial American style. Seats 496

Aloha Cafe/Kid's Cafe's decor is very Hawaiian. Inside Seats 494, Outside 290

Aft portion of the Aloha Cafe

View of Waikiki & Diamond Head crater from the Aloha Cafe as we approached Oahu.

These large screens are available in public areas and give current status of the cruise ships restauarants.
I suspect they are the result of passenger complaints about lengthly restaurant waits.
Restaurants in Blue charge $10-15 per person cover charge.

A Kumu cultural area has a very small display of historical information.

Napa Wine Bar on deck 6 offers a very comfortable spot for adults to gather.

The Cadillac Dinner is a 50's style 24 hour burger joint.
It has a small outdoor area with 36 seats, 64 indoor seats.

Lazy J Texas Steak House offers steaks, poultry, and seafood in a lone star decor. Seats 104

S/S America Library, a quiet spot located on deck 6.
Read review of the Pride Of America.